diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 083e938198f4c55e53215cf6619a2422c2cd285c..dfd10e6240258621a70b02b627c4c1c32b36b424 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ The repository is organized to enable researchers and practitioners to:
 ## Contents
-- `cmake/`: Configuration files for CMake build system.
-- `include/tb2/`: Header files used in the SCP implementation.
-- `src/`: Main C++ source code for the SCP approach.
-- `tests/`: Unit tests for key components.
+- `src/`: Main C++ source code.
 - `CMakeLists.txt`: Build configuration file.
+- `tests/`: Python scripts (to run multiple experiments and/or plot results).
+- `cmake/`: Configuration files for CMake build system.
+- `include/tb2/`: [Toulbar](https://github.com/toulbar2/toulbar2) files.
@@ -36,15 +36,14 @@ The repository is organized to enable researchers and practitioners to:
 - **C++ Compiler**: GCC (>= 9.0) or Clang (>= 10.0) recommended.
 - **CMake**: Version 3.15 or higher.
 - **Libraries**:
-  - [Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org): Linear algebra library.
-  - [Boost](https://www.boost.org): General-purpose C++ library.
-  - [GTest](https://github.com/google/googletest): For running unit tests.
+  - [Eigen](https://eigen.tuxfamily.org): Linear algebra library (required).
+  - [Cplex](https://www.ibm.com/products/ilog-cplex-optimization-studio): For simultaneous algorithms (optional).
-### Installation
+## Installation
 1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://git.lwp.rug.nl/ml-rug/osarsa-aaai-25.git
-   cd osarsa-aaai-25
+   cd osarsa-aaai-25/code
 2. Build the project using CMake:
@@ -55,19 +54,39 @@ The repository is organized to enable researchers and practitioners to:
-3. Run the example:
+3. To run without Cplex: edit CMakeLists.txt, change
+	```bash
+   set(USE_CPLEX, "ON")
+   ```
+   to 
-   ./code/src/problem_examples
+   set(USE_CPLEX, "OFF")
+4. Test:
+   ```bash
+   ./sdms -n oSarsa-seq -f tiger
+   ```
+   should run the (sequential) oSarsa algorithm on the tiger problem.
 ## Usage
-### Reproducing Results
-Reproducing results from the paper:
+### Main Options
+problem name: -f (mabc, recycling, tiger, boxPushingUAI07, Grid3x3corners, Mars, GridSmall)
+agent numbers: -N
+planning horizon: -p
+algorithm: -n (oSarsa, oSarsa-seq, A2C, IQL)
+memory: -m
+seed: -s
+timeout (seconds): -t
+./sdms -f GridSmall -N 3 -p 10 -n oSarsa-seq -m 2 -t 100 -s 0